Django in short

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After completing Django Girls

( ), created a blog posting site and hosted it with the help of

began learning about Django from its official documentation and finished up to chapter 7

( )

working on a polling site of questions

Learned how a web application's backend works.

lets understand the code ,

As soon as a site loads, it analyzes the mysite/urls for urlspatterns

depending on the pattern matched, redirect it to the matching page (see include).

You can go to your own app by adding (/nameofyourapp) as the last part of the URL.

the site is redirected to the app, now it goes in the urls file as redirected by the mysite/urls

again it look for urlpatterns, and redirect the page to views.

views file contains class and function for updating database based on the model we made in model file. The class and function again redirects the page to html file.

Now,we can add basic frontend.

Understanding the testing codebase was a bit challenging for me)

(the basic idea behind the working of the Django)

#learning #database #frontend #django #djangogirls #WeMakeDevs